Friday, 13 January 2012

Potato Day - get chitting!

The HAG committee has decided that, like us, you must all be raring to get some action going on our field.  The field is ploughed, the right hand hedge has been trimmed, work has started on a bog garden and habitat piles and we want to move on and get some horticulture done.

After discussion we decided that we cannot wait indefinitely for the decision on the footpaths re-routing and came up with this plan:  we will hold two communal ‘come and dig’ days in the first half of April, followed by a mass potato planting at the end of April.  We have four triangular bits of field made by the criss-crossing footpaths so we can use these segments to plant in.  The first few segments will be potatoes which are a good way to start in a virgin field.  Later on another segment could be sunflowers (we and the birds can eat the seeds).  Or brassicas.  Or?

  • Sunday 1 April, 10 am – 2 pm. Digging
  • Sunday 15 April, 10 am – 2 pm. Digging
  • Sunday 29 April, 10 am – 2 pm. Planting

We ask that members supply potatoes of your choice which you have already chitted at home and come on 29 April armed with garden tools and picnics.

Please do not come in a vehicle.

So we have an idea of numbers/quantities to expect, could you let Jane Varley know if you are coming to dig and plant and about how many potatoes you will bring.  Also make a note of whether they are early, mid or late season croppers.

Comments to this post also welcome.

Edit: I've just been sent this interesting link, if anyone's wondering what variety of potato to plant: