Monday, 12 December 2011

Allotment plan 2nd draft

A second draft of our allotment plan has been produced. The main changes are widening of footpaths and decreasing the number of plots to 40.
Click the image for a larger version.

Hedge cutting success!

A big thankyou to all those who braved the weather and turned out to face the impenetrable blackthorn, armed only with loppers, secateurs and saws. We had over a dozen volunteers and managed to cut the hedge right back to expose the drainage ditch which we dug out and got the water flowing down into the brook.

Unfortunately, the rain eventually beat our efforts at a fire, so there's a lot of hedge cuttings left on the site - to be burnt when it's a bit drier. As some bright-spark commented - it looks like we've just moved the hedge by a few metres!

With such hard workers and a lack of tea/cake breaks (due to the rain), we had finished the job by 1pm. Apologies to anyone who turned up after that, expecting to help.

Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Hedgerow cutting, 11th December

The hedges of our future allotment field are in need of management and we are planning a day of cutting on 11th December (10am - 2pm). We are looking for volunteers to help, no experience necessary. Please bring loppers, secateurs, rakes or gloves if you have them. Tea and coffee will be provided, but if you can bring something tasty to share - then the day will be all the more jolly!

If you are able to come along, then please comment this post.

Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Allotment plan

Jo Killingley has now drawn up a plan for our allotment site. This isn't the final version, but we expect this to be a fairly accurate representation.

Click for a larger version.

Comments are very welcome, but we can't guarantee that we'll be able to incorporate your ideas.